Clinical Requirements 

Last updated on February 15 2023


For accurate measurements and models, the images and CRs must be calibrated while CTs and MRIs are already calibrated. There are three ways to perform this step, using the manual, the magnification or the automatic option. See more information in the Image Configuration section.

Beware: All images used must have been correctly acquired (in a compatible format - DICOM and conventional images) and calibrated. In case the image was acquired with a calibration marker, check if it was correctly positioned during the image acquisition to be used in the calibration process.

The measurements executed with PeekMed are displayed in length and angle units internationally accepted and easily recognized: millimeters (mm) and degrees (°), respectively. 

Beware: It is possible to change the position of the points of the measurement objects. To do this, simply click on each point with the left mouse button and move it to the most appropriate position. Consider the location of these points to ensure the precision and accuracy of measurements.

Below, you can find the accuracy and precision of length and angle measurements:

Accuracy and precision for length measurements: +/- 0.50mm

Accuracy and precision for angle measurements: +/- 0.30°

Beware: The proper use of PeekMed requires the critical capacity and expertise of healthcare professionals with adequate medical training, thus allowing them to analyze and manipulate digital medical images during planning. You must have a stereoscopic view in order to understand the different perspectives of the objects during their visualization, as well as understand the positioning of the objects in different environments. Always ensure that the manual and automatic steps of PeekMed are clinically correct. If you experience difficulties in using and understanding PeekMed or a problem occurs, contact us at