Last updated on March 31 2023
This menu contains useful information about PeekMed, relevant documents among other things.
About PeekMed: lets you find useful information about your software license (which may be requested by the Technical Support team to resolve any issue), and also the End User License Agreement. On macOS, this option can be found under the PeekMed menu in the menu bar;
- Release notes: opens a web browser page of the Release Notes page on the PeekMed desktop;
- Tutorial: lets you have an overview of the software;
- Book a Demo: opens a web browser page to book a Demo;
- User manual: lets you access the User Manual;
- PeekMed imaging protocol: lets you access to the PeekMed imaging protocol;
- Download templates database: lets you download the most recent version of the templates database;
- EULA: opens a web browser page of the End User License Agreement on the PeekMed desktop.
- Request support: opens a web browser page of the Contact us form on the PeekMed website.