Lumbar Lordosis Angle: How to perform

Last updated on July 6 2022



Lumbar Lordosis is an important postural component and it is a parameter to characterize the Sagittal Balance. It can be used in assessing postural abnormalities. There is evidence that many factors, such as age, gender, body mass index, ethnicity, and sport, may affect the lordosis angle, making it difficult to determine uniform normal values. Normal lordosis should be determined based on the specific characteristics of each individual. To calculate the Lumbar Lordosis, it is required a lateral view.

This procedure measures the lumbar lordosis angle (LLA) which is the angle formed between the superior end plate of L1 and the superior end plate of S1 and should be lower than pelvic incidence (Normal is LLA = pelvic incidence + 10°).


The measurement made by the procedure is displayed in the image: lla_1

  • Lumbar Lordosis Angle (LLA): the angle formed between the superior end plate of L1 and the superior end plate of S1.





How to perform

After selecting this procedure on the side, you must mark the points to conclude it. To see the caption of each point you need to click on this button .

Beware: you can change the position of the points at this stage or later. To do this, simply click on each handle with the left mouse button and move them to the most suitable position.

This procedure has no advanced configuration.