Overview - iPad App

Last updated on January 19 2023


After installing you can open the application. You will then be prompted to login with your credentials - these are the same credentials you use to login on the computer.

iPad - login

Once you are logged in, you will see the “My Plans” window. Here you can see a list of all the plans you have currently stored in the cloud in the .pmm format.

iPad - My plans

Note: If you want to know how you can save a plan in that format check the section “Save Planning” .

On the top left corner of this window you can access the “Settings” menu. Here you can sign out of your account as well as setting up the DICOM Network which will allow you to connect to the C-arm.

iPad- Settings

Once this connection is active, it is possible to download the image from the C-arm so you can compare it with the plan on the iPad.

iPad - C-arm download

You can also delete the plans by clicking the “Edit” button.

iPad- Edit

To open a plan you just have to click on it. You will see the main image and every measurement and templates you added to it.
Clicking on the three dots on the left side you can access the side panel where you can toggle between Pre and Post planning views and see the measurements, procedures, templates and other objects added. You can hide/show these objects manually.

iPad -Plan

Selecting the “Tools” button allows you to perform new measurements if needed. These measurements will not be saved in the plan. This means that if you open the same plan on the computer or if you reopen the plan on the iPad, these measurements will not be present.

iPad - Tools

If you saved the Report before saving your plan to the cloud, you will be able to access it on the iPad application as well. You just have to click on the “Report” button on the top right corner.

iPad - Report