Planning Cards

Last updated on August 1 2024


Each medical image has its own Patient Information card. You can access, read and edit information concerning the patient in the Planning View using this card. Inside each card, there are several fields and options.

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When working with DICOM images, the Name, Age, Sex, Height, Weight and BMI fields are filled automatically if the information is available in the DICOM’s metadata. If it isn’t available or if you are working with a conventional image, the fields can be populated/changed manually.


Note: When entering the Height and Weight values manually, the BMI is calculated automatically. This is the only field that cannot be edited directly.


The Hospital name field is automatically populated with the healthcare facility/organization in your account. You can edit that by logging in and accessing your Profile.

In the card you can also find other useful options:

lock Lock: locks changing the data in the Planning section;

eye Show/Hide Stamp: show/hide the planning information stamp from the Planning View in the renderer selected at the time;

color Color: change the color of the planning information stamp;

Size dropdown: change the size of the planning information stamp;

Shadow checkbox: when checked, an outer shadow is applied to the planning information stamp;

eyeShow/Hide All template stamps: show/hide all the template information stamps from the Planning View in the renderer selected at the time;

eye Show/Hide Main Image: show/hide the main image from the Planning View;

Flip: flip the template vertically or horizontally. This option is only available for a 2D renderer;

Opacity slider: change the transparency of a fragment or template. In the case of templates, this option is only available for a 2D renderer.