Automatic Updates

Last updated on April 15 2024


In order to ensure you always have access to the latest features, that your data remains secure and that the performance never drops, you should keep the software updated. PeekMed will automatically download and install additional features and improvements whenever a new update is available.

When an update is available, you will be notified as soon as you open PeekMed. You have 21 days until the update becomes mandatory. After those 21 days, you won’t be able to log in. Every time you open the software, the notification will reappear until the update is installed. 


Beware: PeekMed updates are mandatory. After an update, check that PeekMed is installed correctly. If not, uninstall and install again. If the same problem occurs, contact us at


We wrote an article explaining why updating your medical software is important. Feel free to check it on our blog.