
Last updated on January 19 2023


The “Cut” tool lets you outline an object, which will be separated from the rest of the image.

After clicking "Cut" on the toolbar, there are three options available: Image, Bone and Manual Segmentation. No matter the option you choose, the cut mode is automatically available and you can immediately start marking a set of points with the left mouse button on the image, in order to define a border. This marking will delimit an area or volume (in 3D environment), which will subsequently be cut.


Cut 1


After performing the cut, you can add new nodes to the cut’s outline and alter their position. You can then approve the cut to effectively make it by clicking on the check button on the right side of the planning view. You can also cancel it by clicking the cross button.


Cut 2


The fragmented area/volume can be moved by clicking on it with the left mouse button and moving it to the appropriate position.


Cut 3


You can visualize a central point in the area that was segmented. This handle defines the fragment rotation axis. You can move this handle by clicking on it with the left mouse button and moving it to the most appropriate position. To rotate the fragment, you must press the left mouse button on the rotation handles, which is pending in the cropped area, and move it to the position that seems most appropriate.


Cut 4-1


In the 3D environment, the cut tool allows trimming any part of the 3D model turning it into an independent fragment. When the tool is activated, a box appears. The bone volume inside the box will be trimmed from the rest of the 3D bone model, turning it into an independent object. Use the handles in the center of each square face to adjust the box size or drag the mouse up and down while pressing the right mouse button. The handle in the center of the box allows you to drag it. To rotate the box, just press the left mouse button anywhere on the box and drag the mouse to the side you want to rotate it. Once the box is in the appropriate position, press Enter on the keyboard or click on the check button on the right side of the Planning View to complete the cut.


Cut 5


When using “Cut” in the 3D renderer, there are three rotation handles, one for each orientation (axial, coronal, and sagittal). To rotate the fragment you must first toggle the rotate 3D objects option and then press the left mouse button on the rotation handle and move the mouse to the position that seems most appropriate.


Cut 6


Every cut can be deleted as any other object.


Beware: Ensure that all cuts are performed correctly and that they have all the clinical information necessary. 



What are the differences between selecting image, bone or manual segmentation then? 

Well, selecting Image allows you to cut the image as a whole, not distinguishing soft tissue from bones, and vice versa. This option is available for all images supported by the software, in both 2D and 3D renderers as shown in the instructions above.



The Bone option takes into consideration the bones as well as soft tissues of an image. For this reason, by choosing this option, only the bone portion of the image will be segmented within the region of the cut. This option is only available with CTs, on both 2D and 3D renderers.
In order to ensure that the tool works correctly, the images used should follow the parameters defined in the PeekMed® Imaging Protocol.


Cut 7 - Bone

Manual Segmentation 


This option allows to paint each slice of a CT or MRI to show the area to be cut/segmented.

Cut 8 - Man Seg