Hilgenreiner Angle: How to perform

Last updated on April 15 2024



The inclination angle of the ossified acetabular roof is measured on an AP X-ray of the pelvis. This value is considered an estimate of the acetabular development. To measure this, the Hilgenreiner line is drawn connecting the upper edges of the radiopaque Y-joint. Another line is then drawn from the superolateral border of the ossified acetabulum to the superolateral border of the Y Kerf. The angle between the two lines is usually less than 30° in newborns and less than 20° in two-year-olds.


The measurements made by the procedure are displayed in the image:

  • Hilgenreiner Angle (HA): the angle between the Hilgenreiner line and the Border of the femoral head.

Screenshot 2024-03-13 at 14.53.27

Auxiliary references 

To show this procedure, PeekMed® needs additional references:

  • Hilgenreiner’s line: a horizontal line through the triradiate cartilage of the acetabulum;
  • Border of the femoral head: a line between the medial and lateral borders of the femoral head.

How to perform

After selecting this procedure in the sidebar, you must mark the points to conclude it. To see the caption of each point you need to click on this button .

Beware: You can change the position of the points at this stage or later. To do this, simply click on each handle with the left mouse button and move them to the most suitable position.

This procedure has no advanced configuration.