How can I integrate Horos with PeekMed and import images?

Last updated on February 1 2023


You can integrate Horos with PeekMed and be able to import images directly from one to the other. To set up this connection follow the instructions below.

Configure DICOM Station on PeekMed:

1. Open Horos.
2. Click “Horos” in the Menu Bar and then select “Preferences”.
3. In the “Preferences” window select locations.
4. Click “Add new node”. Take note of the Address, AETitle and Port.
5. Open PeekMed and access Settings > System Preferences.
6. Make sure that under configuration the connection is “ON”.
7. Access the “DICOM Stations” tab and click “Add” at the bottom right of the window.
8. Change the Address, Port and AETitle to the ones you have taken note on step 4.
9. Make sure you save the changes by clicking “Save and Exit” on the bottom right corner.

Configure DICOM Listener on Horos:

1. On PeekMed access Settings > DICOM Listener.
2. Take note of the AETitle, Port and IP Address. You can change the AETitle if you prefer.
3. On Horos access Preferences > Locations and click on Add node.
4. Change the Address, AETitle and Port to the ones you have taken note on step 2.

Import images from Horos:

1. On PeekMed click “Import images from PACS”.
2. Make sure you have the correct station selected on the top left corner of the window.
3. Use the filters to search for the desired images and click “Find”. You should now be able to see the same images you have on Horos.


Note: If you need further assistance, please contact us at