Last updated on January 19 2023
Here you will learn all about the interaction tools and how to use them. You can activate them by clicking on the icons with the left mouse button. To navigate in the software, use the mouse and a combination of shortcuts as auxiliary tools.
Use the Magnifying glass to enlarge or reduce the image size, and use these tools in the renderer:
Zoom In: the image moves closer to the camera;
Zoom Out: the image moves further away from the camera;
Fit to Screen: image size reverts to fit in the screen (original size);
Rotate 2D image: to rotate your 2D image, just click on the icon with your left mouse button. For each click, your image will rotate 90 degrees clockwise.
Window Width/Window Level (WW/WL): changing the brightness and contrast of the image, you can improve the visible distinction between contrasting tissues. This value can be changed. First, click on this icon to activate the function, the icon will change color, meaning it is activated. Then press the left mouse button over the image and drag the mouse up and down or left and right, until you get the best level. To reset the WW/WL value click on the button
Manipulate a CT/MRI: you can easily scroll through CT or MRI with the slider below it. There is also the possibility to view a single slice at a time or a stack of nearby slices. It is possible to create a stack with the minimum size of 0 mm (one slice) and maximum size that is variable according to the size of the image for both CT and MRI scans. The value should be in the respective field after clicking on the button . To enable a slice in 3D (in Hybrid Environment) you can click on the button
. You can pan the images in the 2D renderer by moving the horizontal slider.
Select objects: to select an object you can click on it with the left mouse button. The selected objects will change color according to their selection status. When selected, each object will display a set of control options to allow its positioning and rotation.
Pan 2D objects: to move the 2D model, you can use the right mouse button and move the object to the most convenient position; the object will follow this movement.
ROI (Region of Interest): to define a region of interest, just click on the ROI button and move the handles to hide sections of your 3D model, as desired. You can move the ROI box by clicking on its surface with your left mouse button. To reset your ROI changes to the original position, just click on the reset button
. To remove this feature from your 3D environment, just click on the ROI button and it will disappear.
Pan 3D objects: to move a 3D object, first you must select the object by clicking over it and then select the pan mode using the icon that will appear in the middle of the rightmost side. Three arrows representing the X, Y and Z axes, as well as a light sphere around the object will appear, meaning you are in translation mode. You are now able to move the object by pressing and dragging the left mouse button on the object or using the axes arrows.
Rotate 3D objects: to rotate a 3D object, first you must select the object by clicking over it and then select the rotate mode using the icon that will appear in the middle of the rightmost side. Three circumferences representing the rotation axes and a light sphere around the object will appear, meaning you are in rotation mode. You are now able to rotate the object by pressing and dragging the left mouse button on the object or using the rotation axes.
Pan 3D camera: in the hybrid and 3D environment it is possible to move the camera. Panning the camera will not change the objects’ position but will change the way you see the objects. To move the camera view you must select the pan mode using the icon that appears in the lower right section of the 3D renderer. You are now able to move the camera view by pressing and dragging the right mouse button over the 3D environment.
Rotate 3D camera: in the hybrid and 3D environment it is possible to rotate the camera. Rotating the camera will not change the objects’ position but will change the way you see the objects. To rotate the camera view you must select the rotation mode using the icon that appears in the lower right section of the 3D renderer. You are now able to rotate the camera by pressing and dragging the right mouse button over the 3D environment.
Auxiliary View: in the 3D environment it is possible to have a secondary view of the 3D model. To enable this view you must select the icon that appears on the top left corner of the 3D renderer. A window will popup with four preset camera views: Top, Bottom, Left, and Right view. Click on the view you want to see to switch it.