
Last updated on January 17 2024


PeekMed has a variety of automatic procedures designed to help you to quickly and effectively plan your surgeries. It has over 30 different procedures divided into 7 specialities: Hip, Knee, Spine, Upper Limb, Foot and Ankle, Trauma and Pediatrics. To get more information about each procedure and how to perform them check the clinical procedures section.

After selecting the procedures menu, the objects section to the left is replaced with a list of the procedures available for the subspeciality you have chosen in the configuration step.


Procedures 1


Next you should select the anatomical side and the procedure you want to plan. A visual guide will come up identifying the anatomical points you need to mark. If you need to know more information about these points you can click on information button icon on the top right.


Procedures - assistant-1


If you need to use more than one procedure and there are common points between them, you only need to mark them once because they are saved the first time and will be used in the next procedures.

You can change the position of the points while you mark them or later. To do this, simply click on each handle with the left mouse button and move them to the intended position.


Procedures - moving points


When you finish a procedure you will see the measurements in the main image. When a procedure has additional configurations, you can click on the advanced configuration button in the object section as you can see highlighted in the image below.


Procedures - Advanced configuration 1