Selecting the environment and subspecialty

Last updated on August 1 2024

After selecting the images and clicking “Start planning”, you are prompted to select the planning environment and the orthopedic subspecialty in which the planning will be made.
Depending on the modality of the image you uploaded, PeekMed will select the environment by default. For example, the 2D radio button is going to be selected by default when X-Rays or Conventional images are selected for planning. If working with CTs or MRIs, the Hybrid radio button will be selected.
You can also choose which subspecialty is selected by default on Settings.

Plan Config_EN

Each environment and subspecialty has its own specific features. Here’s an overview of each of them.


All three environments are divided into three sections: Toolbar, Renderer and Objects section. The main difference between them will be in the renderer section, meaning, the  2D environment will have a 2D renderer, the hybrid environment will have a combination of 2D and 3D renderers and the 3D environment will have a 3D renderer.

Depending on the type of image you are working on, the 2D renderer can be different. You can see the differences between the three environments in the screenshots below.

  • 2D Environment
    • CR or conventional image

      Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 11.56.00

    • CT or MRI

      Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 11.57.42
      If you selected more than one orientation on the Image Configuration window, all the views you selected will appear in this 2D section of your window. Below the MIP (Maximum Intensity Projection) image is a slider that allows you to browse through the digital image slices.
  • Hybrid Environment

    Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 11.56.45
  • 3D environment

    Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 11.58.22



PeekMed automatised several procedures allowing you to perform the pre-operative planning efficiently. In PeekMed you can find the following orthopedic subspecialties:

  • Hip
  • Knee
  • Spine
  • Upper limb 
  • Foot and Ankle
  • Trauma
  • Pediatrics

After you select the subspecialty, the software features auxiliary procedures that will help you get the measurements required for the planning, further described in the Procedures section. Only the relevant templates and measurements for the chosen subspecialty are presented. 

You can change the subspecialty at any time by selecting “Change subspecialty” in the Edit menu on the planning window. Bear in mind that if you do that, all measurements and planning made so far will be lost.