Final Report and/or Save

Last updated on February 16 2023

After you finish your planning you have two options: you can save it or generate a report. 

You can save the current state of the surgery planning, including images, measurements and everything in between. You just have to access the “File” menu in the planning window and select “Save Planning”. You are then given two options: to save to the cloud or to the disk.

Beware: Make sure to save the planning to avoid loss of data in case of failure of power or loss of internet connection.

Selecting to save “To Cloud” will save the plan to your PeekMed cloud and it will be accessible every time you login, no matter the computer you are using.

Within this window, you can also check the “Include mobile plan” option which will save the plan in a format that will be mobile device compatible and allow you to view the plan on your iPad.

SAve to cloud-1

Beware: Ensure that your patient has given you his/her informed consent to share his/her data.

Selecting to save “To disk” will save your plan locally. This means that you will only have access to this plan in the computer that you saved it to.

11. Start planning - Final Report andor Save - SAve to disk

Saving the planning will allow you to return to it through the “Load Planning” option in the importing window. 

PeekMed also allows you to generate a final report of your plan. This document will contain pre and post planning screenshots, measurements, procedures and templates that you added to your planning. You can find more information here
